[page:Object3D] → [page:Camera] →


Camera with orthographic projection.


[example:canvas_camera_orthographic camera / orthographic ]
[example:canvas_camera_orthographic2 camera / orthographic2 ]
[example:webgl_camera camera ]
[example:webgl_interactive_cubes_ortho interactive / cubes / ortho ]
[example:webgl_materials_cubemap_dynamic materials / cubemap / dynamic ]
[example:webgl_postprocessing_advanced postprocessing / advanced ]
[example:webgl_postprocessing_dof2 postprocessing / dof2 ]
[example:webgl_postprocessing_godrays postprocessing / godrays ]
[example:webgl_rtt rtt ]
[example:webgl_shaders_tonemapping shaders / tonemapping ]
[example:webgl_shadowmap shadowmap ]
[example:webgl_terrain_dynamic terrain / dynamic ]
var camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( width / - 2, width / 2, height / 2, height / - 2, 1, 1000 ); scene.add( camera );


[name]( [page:Float left], [page:Float right], [page:Float top], [page:Float bottom], [page:Float near], [page:Float far] )

left — Camera frustum left plane.
right — Camera frustum right plane.
top — Camera frustum top plane.
bottom — Camera frustum bottom plane.
near — Camera frustum near plane.
far — Camera frustum far plane.


[property:number zoom]

Gets or sets the zoom factor of the camera.

[property:Float left]

Camera frustum left plane.

[property:Float right]

Camera frustum right plane.

[property:Float top]

Camera frustum top plane.

[property:Float bottom]

Camera frustum bottom plane.

[property:Float near]

Camera frustum near plane.

[property:Float far]

Camera frustum far plane.


[method:null setViewOffset]( [page:Float fullWidth], [page:Float fullHeight], [page:Float x], [page:Float y], [page:Float width], [page:Float height] )

fullWidth — full width of multiview setup
fullHeight — full height of multiview setup
x — horizontal offset of subcamera
y — vertical offset of subcamera
width — width of subcamera
height — height of subcamera
Sets an offset in a larger frustum. This is useful for multi-window or multi-monitor/multi-machine setups. For an example on how to use it see [page:PerspectiveCamera].

[method:null clearViewOffset]()

Removes any offset set by the .setViewOffset method.

[method:null updateProjectionMatrix]()

Updates the camera projection matrix. Must be called after change of parameters.

[method:OrthographicCamera clone]()

It returns a clone of OrthographicCamera.

[method:JSON toJSON]()

Return camera data in JSON format.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]